There's a "Tween" In Your Future - Are You Ready?

Within 15 minutes of coming through the door from school, she has her neck crooked around the phone. A music CD tucked into the computer's drive drowns out all but the occasional giggles of that conversation. While her fingers fly over the keyboard, you risk a quick glance and count six open "chat" boxes. She's IMing (sending instant messages with) the friends she didn't get to talk to at school.

That's just how she communicates.

Once the "he said," "she looked" minutia of the all important social event (lunch hour) of the day have been dissected, the conversations begin to move outward. Movie trivia websites are visited en masse, and the merits of a certain pair of kahkis for sale on one site versus another found the day before cause more windows to be opened, as this virtual gaggle of girls move around the web together.

Sometimes, tasks are split. Three girls visit different movie theater sites where start times for this week's chosen film are carefully matrixed against which parent might be able to drive the group to which venue.

That's just how decisions are made.

Some people call her a tween. She's between 8 and 12 and attends middle school, Sunday school, and high school football games where she and her friends pay far less attention to each other's older brother on the team than their slightly older siblings. Usually that's all an anxious parent in this group is able to watch out for. They don't know the half of what she is capable of yet.

According to brand analyst and Clickz columnist, Martin Lindstrom, 22% of these tweens have already made an online purchase on their own. Lindstrom's study excerpt didn't discuss how they were able to pay for these purchases, but it's a good bet a majority of them were done using mom or dad's credit card. That's a pretty safe assumption when you consider that tweens determine what brand is purchased 60% of the time in a typical household.

Clothes, music, accessories, gifts, games and other entertainment used to be the exclusive province of the American teenager. The 13 and over crowd used to decide where those dollars were spent. But they're passing the baton to their younger brothers and sisters while they pursue their own, more diverse, interests, also online.

That's just where the teens and tweens are spending their time these days.

Tweens are even more intensely committed to the Internet than their older teenage siblings. Teens are spending in excess of 16.7 hours per week online according to a 2002 Yahoo study. That compares to 13.6 hours spent watching television, 12 hours spent listening to music and 7.7 hours talking on the phone.

Did you catch it?
Do you see what the real difference is between these two groups? And do you understand just how large, and just how evolutionary the impact of that difference will be on your business?

That's the piece of the puzzle that I think is being overlooked. It's been buried beneath an already staggering pile of statistics.

It's not about the numbers at all.

It's about the fact that tweens have already assimilated the Internet completely. It's about the fact that tweens have already begun to filter their media differently, and process that input differently. They don't surf websites anymore, clicking their mouse to zoom in to see the pocket detail on those jeans. They "experience" a site clicking their mouse to turn 3d model images wearing those jeans, or clicking hotspots in panoramic images designed to make them feel as if they are in a room at a store.

They don't spend 16.7 hours on the Internet, then 13.6 watching TV, then 12 hours listening to music, then 7.7 hours talking on the phone. They spend 16.7 and 13.6 and 12 and 7.7 simultaneously. They move from one media to another effortlessly, automatically typing coherent messages for up to five conversations at once, laughing at a girlfriend's joke on the phone, and tapping their foot to the relentless beat of the music. At - the - same - time.

"Tween" is not just a convenient demographic catch phrase for a bundle of statistics. It's also a very apt description of where this particular generation will fall on technology timeline. The web "experience" is likely to continue unfolding long after they have grown up and become everyone's prime demographic.

I have a tween in my house. And she really is somewhere between. Her reliance on a strong social network of girlfriends is as old as the hills. But her communication methods raise the bar on the definition of multitasking. Sometimes I watch her and wonder if we haven't finally broken through another old barrier. I wonder if she's tapping into, and effectively using, more than the 10% of our brains than science claims we use.

But probably not. It's still clear that not all of her senses have been enhanced.

She still can't seem to hear me when I ask if she has homework.

Liz Micik has been an Ordinary Marketer for nearly 25 years, helping companies tell their story to the right people in the right way to sell their products and services. Visit to sign up for the Inside Edge, a free monthly multimedia newsletter, and find out how you can get extraordinary results from marketing you can live with.

The Key To High-Volume Web Sales

The quickest way to achieve high-volume sales on the web is to set up your own affiliate program.

There are two ways to set up an affiliate program: you can install affiliate tracking software on your server or you can use a 3rd party affiliate tracker.

Here is a list of sites that offer affiliate tracking software:

For most people, a much easier option is to use 3rd party (or web-based) affiliate tracking.

There are literally dozens of web-based affiliate management services. Some have setup fees, some have monthly fees and others charge monthly commissions on your sales.

Here is a list of 3rd party affiliate trackers:

One of the most popular 3rd party affiliate trackers is ClickBank (

Compared to some other affiliate programs, ClickBank's system is quite basic - for example they only offer one-tier affiliate tracking and they don't provide click-thru stats.

But the one big advantage of ClickBank is they are widely used (by over 10,000 merchants) and trusted - and that means your customers will feel safer when ordering your products.

Here are some of the features of the ClickBank affiliate program:

=> one time setup fee of $49

=> no monthly fees

=> 7.5% commission on your sales

=> automatic email (to you and your affiliates) every

time you make a sale

=> ClickBank issues checks to your affiliates

=> checks issued every 2 weeks

=> low minimum ($5) before a check is issued

One drawback to using ClickBank is that the links your affiliates post on their websites won't contain your domain name - so they won't increase your link popularity.

But there is a way around this - a script specifically designed for ClickBank merchants that generates URLs for your affiliates, based on your domain name:

With this script, your ClickBank affiliates would use a link that looks like this:

Once you have your affiliate program set up, you'll need some promotion tools to offer your affiliates.

Here are some ideas:

=> free eBook - this could be as little as 5 or 10 pages explaining the benefits of your product or service. Make sure it contains some valuable tips and include links to your website that your affiliates can customize with their own affiliate link.

=> your own articles - if you write free articles, encourage your affiliates to use them in their newsletter and on the website, with their affiliate link in the resource box.

=> ezine ads - offer your affiliates 30-word ads they can place in newsletters (preferably ads you have tested and found to be effective)

=> email course - if you have an email mini-course, allow your affiliates to offer it from their website, with their affiliate links

=> popups - give your affiliates a template popup for their website, with instructions on how to install it

=> affiliate kit - put all your affiliate tools into an eBook that your affiliates can download

That's it! All the information you need to set up your own affiliate program.

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3
years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this
simple technique to build a successful online business. Click
here to find out more:

Affiliate Programs

Are you having trouble creating new product offerings from scratch? Maybe you're not a natural writer or you're unsure of a topic? Or maybe you'd just like a shortcut to some reliable revenue?

Not to worry, help is here.

And even if you're not stuck creating your own intellectual property, the concept of promoting other people's products and earning coaching income is an idea whose time is fast on its way.

Selling other people's products, and earning a percentage of the sales price for your efforts is what's referred to online as earning money as an 'affiliate.'

Within the next 12 months, the Internet is getting set to see a significant number of coaches begin to grow their one-on-one practices with the help of someone else's products.

In fact, it promises to be a big trend, and I hope you're one of the first.

There are two key things to know about selecting affiliate programs to support:

(1) Give more than a simple recommendation. Use this opportunity to write an article. create a 3-page website, compile a PDF report, or even tape a brief audio about why your audience should sit up and notice this product.

Speak from the heart about the difference it has made to you. Tell a story. Ask questions that engage the reader. All of these are techniques examplifying a coaching approach.

Then embed the links for your recommendations within the body of your article.

In this way, you add value, and you're much more likely to create a connection that leads to real impact, and a purchase that leads to earnings for you.

(2) Especially if you are having difficulty choosing a niche market for your own practice, hunting for worthwhile affiliate programs can be a great exercise.

Other people's work that deserves to reach more people can benefit from your energy and as you earn money through affiliate programs, you'll learn a great deal about what sparks your passion.

At the same time, by making a integrity-based recommendation, you strengthen your bond with your readers in a way that always results in more revenue in your other streams.

You know how when you buy something from a certain brand that you end up liking, you go back and buy more of that brand?

Same thing. As your audience comes to trust your recommendations, they're more and more likely to purchase other things from you.

Win, win, & win.

Andrea J. Lee coaches entrepreneurs and online business owners. As Thomas J. Leonard's General Manager, she helped build and manage the largest network and trainer of personal and business coaches in the world. Now the CEO of Andrea J. Lee Group of Companies, she writes, speaks and consults on Marketing, Internet and Business systems. This is an excerpt from the her NEW BOOK - Multiple Streams of Coaching Income,

Affiliate Marketing What Is It And Why Use It?

Affiliate Marketing is having Affiliates do your Marketing for you. What I mean by Affiliate is someone who tells people about your product/service and you pay them for a desired response, such as a purchase.

Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to get the word out about your product/service.

The best way to pay Affiliates is pay per sale. This means that you only have to pay your Affiliates when they actually make a sale. This reduces your advertising costs dramatically. your Affiliates take on all the risks so you don't have to worry about wasting your money on advertising which may not produce any results.

Using Affiliate is a very cheap way to advertise, however it is very effective. The software required to start up your own Affiliate program can cost only about $50 per month.

Then after that just wait for people to start promoting your product/service for you.

Please remember that 5% of your Affiliates will do 95% of the selling. What I mean by this is that most of your Affiliates will just sit there and do nothing. This can be countered if you teach them what to do, exactly how to do it and providing everything for them so they have to do as little work as possible.

To find out about teaching your Affiliates please see the "How To Super Charge Your Affiliates" article

You don't have to use this form of advertising just to sell your product or service. You can also use it to grow your opt-in mailing list. This is discussed in another article.

How Much Should You Pay Your Affiliates

How much you pay your Affiliates really depends on how much your product/service costs, its profit margin, how much you're willing to give up and what action you want to take place.

Lets say that your product is priced at $100. Lets also assume that it cost you $10 to make it. This leaves you with $90 profit.

How much of this do you want to give away to the person that made this sale possible?

Personally, I believe that you should give a rather high percentage of the profits back to the affiliate (Depending on how many sales they regularly generate), because without them, you wouldn't have made that particular sale at all, so reward them for it.

A fairly decent reward is about 50% of the revenue generated. Your product is priced at $100 so a $50 commission is quite generous. It really depends on your other costs (such as a mortgage) you have, which would help decide on a fair commission to both you and the Affiliate.

Another factor which plays a part is how much additional advertising you do, such as pay per click. For example, if you rely solely on your Affiliates to Market for you, then you may want to reduce the commission you pay to them to help you survive. However, you may want to pay them more, to encourage them to send more sales you way. It really is a judgment call.

On the other hand, if you advertise in other ways effectively, then you can afford to pay higher commissions, because you're not putting all your eggs in one basket.

In the end it's all down to how greedy or generous you are. The best advice I can give you is to pay the affiliate what you think he/she deserves. Hopefully that way everyone is happy and earning their fair share.

That is the key to a successful affiliate program.

Stephen Warren is the creator of Learn how to make a great site and turn it into a money making machine in no time. This article is free to republish as long as it is republished in full and the link back to is clickable

How to Booost Your Affiliate Commissions by almost 30%

Affiliate marketing is one tough business. Everyone online today is looking to make or save money in any way they can.

In the good old days when internet marketing was in its infancy, most of the people who clicked on your affiliate links used to purchase without a second thought... but, now as times are getting tougher, and visitors getting more cynical, you'll be amazed at the number who won't!

Just one flaw in a system and you will find dozens of unscrupulous people waiting to exploit it. Same goes for affiliate commission tracker systems. People who know how to manipulate the system will replace your affiliate ID with theirs and "hijack" your commissions.

Most affiliate links are some form or the other of

Where your affiliate id is passed as a parameter. A thief has to simply change the "YOURID" part to "HISID" to put your money in his pocket.

In other cases, there are visitors to your site who simply can't stand the thought of you "making money off them" so they bypass you by simply chopping off the end of your affiliate link that contains your ID.

Instead of buying from -- the bypasser will simply "chop off" the affiliate ID at the end and simply buy from the plain URL --without your affiliate ID attached!

Bam! you just got cheated out of your rightful commission.

Studies have shown that this phenomenon causes about 30% lost sales.

By following some of these simple tips you will be able to, if not all, at least confuse most hijackers and, in many cases, often disarm them completely.

You might notice i said most and not all. This is because if the hijacker is well versed at html and javascipt he will be able to eventually get to your affiliate link. However, most hijackers are just opportunists who will only act if they see an easy buck and its this segment that we can beat

The simplest way to hide your affiliate links is using a javascript redirect page.

This is where you hide your affiliate link in a page on your site using a simple javascript that redirects people to your affiliate link.

This way your "naked" affiliate link is not exposed in your actual email messages and ezine ads, but, once people get redirected to the true affiliate link.

One possible drawback of this method is that some affiliate programs, like clickbank for example, expose the affiliate link along with your ID in the browser address bar.

So if the viewer is eagle-eyed he will notice that hes been redirected through and affiliate link.

A safer method to hide your affiliate links is using a zero-frame or "invisible" frame that masks the affiliate link by making it appear you are sending people to a page on your website. In reality, you are actually sending them to your affiliate link.

This technique is also used by many domain redirection service sites.

Unfortunately is the user views the source of the page. He know whats that youve loaded an affiliate link.

The solution is to use javascript encryption to scramble up the page code.

Even though there isn't a 100% perfect solution to this problem, if you want to get paid more often through your affiliate links, make sure it's not obvious you're referring people to an affiliate link.

If they can't see that its a affiliate link, lower the possibility of you getting stiffed of your commission.

If you are looking for a tool that lets you do all this plus earn affiliate commissions even from those folk who dont click your affiliate link then do check out Covert Affiliate

Satyajeet Hattangadi is the Owner of Novasoft Inc, a software solutions provider, who specialize in affordable customized software solutions.

Working With Affiliate Programs

Everywhere you look you see affiliate program offers for
every product or service that you can think of. Some have
fully automated systems that sell high volumes of hard
products all over the world. In case you don't know, "hard"
products are those that you can touch...unlike an ebook or
downloadable web template. Many affiliate programs have
several thousand affiliates and one or two of the bigger
companies have over one million affiliates.

What are the advantages of joining an affiliate program?

They provide a ready-made business. This is a very big plus
for those people who want to earn some kind of living off
the Internet but lack the knowledge or inclination to set up
a business by themselves.

Commissions and rewards are generally good, and the more
established programs offer a real chance of advancement to
higher and better-paid levels.

Other affiliates are usually on hand to offer practical

What are the limitations?

You are restricted in your promotional activities due to the
fact that you do not actually own the affiliate site they
give you. You won't be able to put such things as banners,
images, links, meta tags, etc. onto your page.
The URL of your affiliate page is often either too long or
contains such awkward things as question marks, which many
Search Engines will not index.

Any promotional ads or articles have probably already been
used by thousands of other people and consequently may have
lost its impact, making it more difficult to achieve sales
or referrals.

If the program you have joined has not yet established
itself (or in some cases even if it has), then you may
encounter problems with payments owed to you not being
honored. You also run the risk of low quality products or
sub-standard statistics that do not accurately record how
many referrals or sales you have made.

You may be required to purchase a minimum quantity of the
product on a regular basis before you start to qualify for
commissions or even before you can become an affiliate.
You may not get the technical or affiliate support you might
expect from the company. This may be due to inadequate
staffing, or the company's negligence.

Other people in your downline do nothing to promote the

At least four of the above limitations can be overcome with
a little time and effort. You could, for example, come up
with fresher ads to promote the program (provided this is

If the company supplies the email addresses of people in
your downline, then you could offer to help the less active
members. Very often these people are passive not because
they are lazy or apathetic but merely because they don't
know HOW to promote effectively! your guidance could mean
the difference between no sales or referrals and healthy
downlines and residual incomes.

As regards promoting your actual page, here are a couple of
little tricks that should overcome a number of

Cloak your Affiliate URL to stop hijackers Affiliate Masker
While this will not help you to get listed on the major
Search Engines, it will make your web page easier for
prospects to remember and type into their browser's address

Go to your affiliate page. Place your mouse pointer anywhere
on the page and right click once. In the drop-down box
choose "View Source". This will display the HTML for the
page. Save this to your hard drive as a HTML document using
the "Save As" function. Upload the page to your web site.
If you don't have a web site then get some free web space
from one of these:

Submit your 'new' page to the Search Engines. You are also
now able to place banner codes, links, images, testimonials,
in fact anything you want onto these pages, because you are
in control of the HTML. A word of caution, though. Don't
change the actual HTML of your original affiliate page. Just
put the other stuff, like banners etc, around it.

Making this "mirror page" of your affiliate page will
dramatically improve your advertising options.

Contact Email Address:
Word Count: 689
Category: Affiliate Marketing
Copyright Date: 8/16/04
Internet Address:
Autoresponder Address:
Special Requirements For Reprint:

You have permission to publish this article in your ezine or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the byline is included and the article is included in it's entirety. I also ask that you activate any html links found in the article and in the byline.

You may not use this article in any publication that is not-optin (spam). A courtesy copy of the publication or link to the website you use my article on would be appreciated.


Working With Affiliate Programs
by Jude Wright (c) 2004

Jude Wright has been an Internet Marketer for three
years. She has just created a product that will help
other Internet Marketers keep all their marketing
information in one database. Check it out at:

"How To Create A Lifetime Income With Affiliate Programs By Changing Your Focus!"

"How To Create A Lifetime Income With Affiliate Programs By Changing Your Focus!"

An often overlooked strategy that could maximize your affiliate earnings

by Mark Meyers

Most people join an affiliate program so that they will make some money by referring people to the products and services of the affiliate company.

This is, in fact, a great way to earn a really nice income.

However, if you JUST focus on this you are missing out on a great residual income stream.

Many affiliate programs are based on a 2-tier commission structure. This means you will earn a percentage for each sale that you bring in and a percentage for each sale that an affiliate that you referred brings in.

For example, you could earn a residual (ie you are not doing the work to earn this) 5%+ from the sales that your sub-affiliates bring in. This can really add up when you have a large base of sub-affiliates.

So where do you find these people that will help build your nest egg?

Let them find you!

Using the search information from Overture: (http://inventory.overture.come) we find that thousands and thousands of people are looking for a way to work at home:

Searches done in July 2004: Work At Home

Count Search Term

313502 work at home
310780 work from home
28662 work at home job
16197 work at home opportunity
12538 work from home job
11149 work at home moms
11053 work at home business opportunity
10371 work at home business

Thousands and thousands more people are looking for a home-based business:

Searches done in July 2004: Home-based Business

Count Search Term

401436 home based business opportunity
362672 home based business
5514 home based business idea
4398 based business earn from home home home home income money work
4200 best home based business
4079 internet home based business
3495 home internet based business opportunity
2999 based business home legite

There are even thousands of people are looking for an affiliate program to join:

Searches done in July 2004: Affiliate Program

Count Search Term

152632 affiliate program
5941 free affiliate program
3999 best affiliate program
3200 online affiliate program
2168 casino affiliate program
2120 affiliate marketing program
2046 web affiliate program
2013 web master affiliate program

Your affiliate opportunity could provide the answer that these people are looking for and this will build a long-lasting money-making business for you too! Sounds like a win-win deal to me.

If you would like to know which affiliate programs I recommend, please visit my website:

Have a great day!
Mark Meyers

In "The Internet Income Advisor" newsletter I cut-to-the-chase and give you ideas and opportunities for earning a nice income online. Why not grab a free copy of my new book: Reliable Monthy Income